
Greetings (Shalom) to you who seek His things of Light added to you daily.

The ascending and descending Messianic (Aleph and Tau) comings [like the sunrise and the sunset] has witnessed to all of us beholding His Light/presence at the beginnings of our spiritual births upon our repentance and at the ends of our spiritual fulfilment (fleshly death) [John 6:40] and, has taught us daily thru His Messianic parables and Torahic commandments for all mortal ages to come and learn His things from the Kingdom of Life when coming to our spiritual births and preparing us in our spiritual trials during the shortened days.  The Bayit haMashiyach (House/Body of the Messiah - the tribes of Yisrael) ministry, that is its outgrowth/branch of Bayit haSham Midrash (its web site address: Bethashem.org) in Woodburn, Indiana that devotes its study of Torah Light, is to share what is taught of His Messianic comings to all and what the Spirit of EliYahu (Elijah) has done His things in our spiritual lives during the last days of our fleshly ages.  
As I have experienced with the receipt of His Spirit of Life joyfully the next morning, in the prior night of August 1976, I saw the light presence of Yahushua the Messiah, at His first call [Aleph coming] upon my repentance, sitting on the chair at the corner when awakening from my sleep time.

The Bayit haMashiyach ministry has been taught by Ruach haKodesh (the Holy Spirit) abiding in us, with His things to restore to our spiritual lives as all the believers come to know His eternal Name thru His Word of Light and to learn more of His Torah (Law) of Light teachings and the original meanings of the Paleo (ancient) Hebrew alphabet.  With the study of 
613 Mitzvot (commandments), we come to know more about the opposing kingdoms [Rom. 13:1-5] such as love vs. hatred, obedience vs. lawlessness, light vs. darkness, kindness vs. selfishness, faith vs. fear, humbleness vs. pride, good vs. evil, truth vs. falsehood, hot vs. cold, life vs. death, etc., and come to perceive more of what His comings are meant to His believers in their shortened days.   "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love." (John 15:10)

Any comments regarding the Messianic comings and the EliYahu restoration of His things in our spiritual lives are welcome to Lanny Mebust, aka Benyamin benKohath, at Isanti, MN USA: Bayit haMashiyach ministry.   
When the color coded interlinear Hebrew/Greek Scriptures is done and verified, you may request for your own DVD copy including the whole website pages, with the DVD and shipping costs to pay for sending it out to you.  Thank you. 
His email address: BayithaMashiyach@Yahoo.com

All the fleshly births (Not my people) begin with the kingdom of "lost" hopelessness but with their repentance, they become His spiritual servants (sons of the living Elohim / My people) with His Kingdom of "found" hope with all heavenly joy.  Matt. 18:11; Luke 15:6-7;  Hosea 1:9-10

I have been written many articles (PDF files) in which I have prayed for the parables and questions to help me understand His spiritual teachings. He has asked me to write down all on what I have asked Him and His answers to help me understand more. Habakkuk 2:2

May His Messianic blessings be with you always, Lanny (Benyamin)
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The Aleph and Tau Messianic comings
are for all mortals to repent and to fulfill
The Bayit haMashiyach (House of the Messiah) ministry